Friday, November 9, 2007


A favorite indie band of mine, Eisley, came to Austin and played at La Zona Rosa with Mutemath. They're promoting their new cd Combinations. I love their harmony, different sound, family connection, etc. and was not disappointed. They played a few of their songs from Room Noises, but because of some stylistic changes to the songs I wasn't a fan. For example, in 'Marvelous Things', one of my favorite songs, they hold out the lyric 'dark night, hold tight' way too long. I really like the new songs though; it seems like they're going for a more rock feel.

To the right is a picture of the drummer, who was sporting a bow tie. I went to meet them and have them sign my ticket. Sporting my self-made Eisley shirt, I only got a second to chat with the always friendly, though often scattered band. So last time Eisley played at La Zona Rosa, which is not my favorite venue, they were headlining and the place was packed while they played. There were still a lot of people there, but more to see Mutemath. There was a definite difference in the type of person attending, though I won't go into too much detail on that. I was skeptical about this band I'd never heard before, but was quickly won over. Their attractive and charismatic lead singer busted out a keytar; their drummer climbed as high as he could while progressively getting more energetic in his playing; and there were some acrobatics and fantastic lights. Overall, I loved the show and hope to catch both bands, when/if they visit Austin again.

This is a short video I took of Eisley playing their song Invasion.

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