Monday, November 19, 2007

Ask Cliff

While sitting in West Mall, helping sell books for Sigma Tau Delta, my attention was grabbed by a crowd and a loud speaker, not to mention cameras. "Ask Cliff..." has been going on for a while and will continue a while longer, but is basically a religious preacher talking to students about current secular and spiritual issues. He had a couple of specific groups there to talk and a crowd gathered to listen. I liked that he was not afraid to talk about controversial issues. He started with not taking the Lord's name in vain and discussed dinosaurs, the bible's legitimacy, specific parables/stories, sincere faith, sin, and how to find Christ.

I wish he'd been a little more kind in response to the more cynical questions he was asked, but I also admire that kind of self-confident courage. He seemed to really believe what he was talking about and discussed it in an open forum, conducive to exchange. I like that this sort of thing happens on campus and was glad I caught it, because whether or not it was what was intended, I did get something out of it.

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