Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Darkness Falls

In the spirit of Halloween, the gang decided we wanted to watch a scary movie. This is difficult for Mormon kids because we don't watch rated R movies, which limits us substantially. After that, the options are either cheesy, old, or already watched. So walking around Blockbuster, we were getting very discouraged, when finally our craving changed from scary to mocking. I present our selection to you: Darkness Falls. (Just wanted to point out, on the cover, it says: 'An eye for an eye. Your life for a tooth.')

Ok, so the premise of the movie: The toothfairy kills you if you see her, but she can't go into the light. One kid escapes the city after his mother is murdered and comes back as an adult to help his childhood love's little brother and to face his demon. I loved this movie. It was terrible, but I loved it. It had completely quotable terrible dialogue, set itself up periodically for hilarious comments, had some odd effects, and pretty good for such a terrible script acting. The whole toothfairy thing is not that important to the plot, but the fact that she can't go into the light is. I'll admit there were a couple parts where I jumped, but I'm pretty bad when it comes to that sort of thing. The movie was not at all scary, not at all believable, can't take it seriously pure fun. It was released in 2003 and directed by Jonathan Liebesman. Additionally, we looked it up after and discovered that it was based on a short, which is equally entertaining and begs the question, 'Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to make this into a full-length movie?'

As an amazingly entertaining side note: This movie caught my eye at Blockbuster and I could not stop laughing, just from the cover. Though I couldn't find a picture of the same cover online, you're in luck, because I took a picture. Yes, that is the kid from Harry Potter. I didn't rent it, but just use your imagination. The possibilities are ridiculous.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Introduction, The 'Burbs

Welcome to Tina's blog- "Butterfly Reviews"

So this blog is just going to be reviews and commentary on all of the music, movies, lectures, shows, etc. I encounter in my life at UT and in Austin. It's kind of random, but I like it.

Let's start with an oldie, but a goodie: The 'Burbs

So some friends and I were bored and wanted to watch a movie. My friend Geoff Yano loves The 'Burbs, but the rest of us hadn't seen it before. It's from 1989 starring Tom Hanks, directed by Joe Dante. I now know what a classic it is. The basic story is that while taking a few days vacation, Hanks and a couple of his quirky neighbors suspect that there's something strange about the new people on the block. The weather changes, weird noises come from science experiments in the house, people disappear...

After their skeptical wives meet the odd but seemingly harmless newcomers, Hanks sneaks into the house, causing a chain of events leading to the realization that though nearly fooled, he was right all along. Sorry about the spoiler, but it's an old, old movie, you can't complain. Hanks looks really young, but is his lovable self. Carrie Fisher from Star Wars plays his wife. The clothes, hair, and jargon are all amusing. A funny side gimmick: Corey Feldman is a typical rebellious neighborhood teen (complete with pizza scarfing, mulletish, crazy hair, leather jacket, and valley girl girlfriend) who invites his friends and watches the antics of the neighborhood. I wouldn't say it was my favorite movie in the world, but it was definitely a good time; a movie everyone should see for its period and lifestyle reflection, cheesy dialogue and effects, and of course Tom Hanks.